Monday, June 30, 2008

Jon got baptized and we got remarried

We are soooooo glad my family got to come and spend some time with us and see what the UP is like we enjoyed it so much and wish they didn't have to leave but it was nice to be able to share Jon's baptism and your marriage in the church with them we love you allI Just had to put up a random pick of uncle Matt being uncle Matt at the Youpper tourist trap
Most of the fam
My uncle \ godfather Mike and Aunt Missy and cousin Patrick
Jon loved his baptism candle
Another blessing with godfather Mike and godmother aunt Danna by his side
Jon didn't like the water much
he was already to get baptized
Jon getting his first blessing of the day
Now we are offical in the church too!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 22, 2008


We had such a fun day on Mackinac Island with my family we did so much
Grandma and Jon with the big flower horses
The Grand Hotel it was sooo pretty
Poor little Jon got sooooo tiered on our trip
the views were breath taking
Family pic It was sucj a nice day to hang out with my family on vacation on a beautiful Island
Some fun daddy time in Mackinac Ishland
Jon loves his ice cream
Grandma and us

Grandma came to see Jon

Monday, June 9, 2008

We had a fun weekend

On our hick Jon actually was watching the deer for the first time
Daddy was a little mad I put flowers in his hair but he looks so cute with them
Daddy and Jon are always taking naps together
Thanks Aunt Pam Jon Loves his hat and sunglasses

Friday, June 6, 2008

Such a Ham

I did not do his hair this way. He took a nap with wet hair
This little man will smile any time he sees the camera
Where did Jon go?

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

See I have two teeth now
I finally put up Jon's toy and he loved it sooooooo much
You wouldn't have ever guessed he had two teeth coming in, a diaper rash, and two ear infections
Jon has been rolling for a while so I thought I should get a video out of it