Saturday, November 22, 2008

Baby Jon's Frist Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks aunt Danna for my winter hat its just what I needed for this cold cold weather
When it came to present time he was soooooo seriouse but he opened every one of his presents all by him self he did such a good job

Bath time and he had to touch everything he could before I got it all off him
Jon loved his cake

What did I do?
He started out nice and slow but he's not shy
Daddy giving Jon some birthday love before he got to dirty
He was acctually blowing out his own candles

It's amazing how fast time flies when they grow sooooo fast and are learning something new everyday, it seams like yesterday that he was just coming home from the hospital. But now he is one WOW well we deiced to have a quite little birthday with just us cause when we go down state for thanksgiving we will have another party with Joe's family, and he is teething and has an ear infection so I dont think he would be that much fun. But we still had such a fun time and Joe and I made the cake from scratch and there was no box used it was fun

Snow Day

After all that snow play its hard not to take a nap
It was sooooo cold out side but he still likes it and mommy cant figure out why

So now that the local schools have had there first official snow day Joe and I deiced to take him out while it was snowing so daddy could snow blow and have some company, Jon did like it at first but it was very cold out and then he feel in the snow and well that always ends our adventures

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Play group Fun

Just 4 more days until Jon turns the big 1! We are just going to have a little family celebration cause when we go down state we are going to have another birthday party with everyone down there too so its going to be fun.After play group we got home and Jon found a CD and he even knows how to hold them already he is getting supper big
Winni came to visit us but Jon was just a little scared of him
They played with a para shoot but I dont think he is quite ready to join in for that one just yet

He loves being pushed around on the scudded but I have to be hunched over the hole time so he doesnt fall off

Daddy time

Daddy and Jon watching SpongeBob Square Pants
Jon has just learned to sit on the couch all by himself and he can get down too

My dad I'm sure will remeber when the kids would sit out side the door when he was going to the bathroom now Joe can relate Jon is almost tall enough to get the door open

Monday, November 10, 2008

Snow Day

But once I sat him down in the snow he was about done he couldn't keep his balance with the new snow suite and fell over, but he made his first baby snow angle
I think his favorite thing is to be pulled around in the sled he could do that for hours

There was just enough snow this weekend that we deiced to take Jon out in his new sled in the snow this time instead to the grass and he seemed to have a lot of fun

New fun toy

Jon loves to sit like daddy does on the sofa
Granddad had brought down a cool 4 wheeler for Jon and he Just fell in love with it he had all ready learned how to climb up and down it all by himself and does it on an hourly bases but he has soooo much fun on it. Daddy is trying to make it run right now and make a hood for it but Jon could care less no matter whats around it he finds a way to get to it.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Out side fun

Mommy can not turn her head for one min. before this little man puts a fist full of dirt into his mouth and he seems to like the dirt Yuck
Daddy has started his drain pipe project and Jon loves all the dirt he was playing half the day with all of the trenches the are just thin enough for Jon to get over then with out falling in which is nice

We had just bought Jon a sled because of the snow that will soon be sticking and Yes this pic is after the one of all the snow it melted by the next day. But we figured we had better get everything ready, well I wanted to see if Jon would even sit in his new sled and he not only sat in it but he wouldnt get out of it he loves it sooo much I ended up pulling him around the yard in it over and over, even granddad had a go at it

Happy Halloween

Our little lion got sooo tiered with all they playing. granddad came down to help with the sun porch and stayed for Halloween and Jon had sooooo much fun with him but was really tiered after words and it didnt help that he got his first flu shot that day too
Roo and we had Piglet too but I had accidentally left Roo and Piglet on the heater when we went to bed so they kinda melted on us but they didnt look to bad I'll have to remember for next year not to do that again
Poo bear
Our pumpkins that we carved this is Tigger

So Even though we only had one tick-0-treater and that was one of our friends, we had a lot of fun for Halloween. But now we have so much candy we dont know what to do with it all.