Thursday, October 23, 2008

Busy little guy

Not to much going on this week cause daddy got a cold and then mommy and Jon got it after daddy got over it . So he has had the sniffles and all that fun stuff this week so we have been laying low but this weekend is Jon's first Halloween party so the pics from that will come up next week and granddad is coming for a visit so we will be busyHe is just a happy boy
Jon has learned how to draw and loves doing it now if I could only get him not to draw on the furnisher I would be much happier
He found daddy's new toy to play under the cars and he was acctually laying down on it but he never sits still long enough to get a shot of the fun stuff

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Play Group

I just couldn't stop laughing when I can around the corner and he had gotten his O's out all by him self and started eating them

Jon saw some of the older kids climbing the slid and thought that he could do it tooo
Jon Loves the swings a the park its hard to get him to do other things after he has been on the swings

We went to our first play group on Monday at the local elementary school. We had such a good time they had snacks and read books and sang songs and Cliffered the Big Red Dog even showed up to play with us. And then we went to the park to play with some friends. Jon is still a little shy with other kids but I'm hoping play group will help.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Houghton MI

We had such a good time on daddy's trip to Houghton While daddy was working mommy and Jon got to go play at the parks around town, and daddy always got off work early so we could go do stuff at night. Jon got into everything at the hotel
At least it keep him busy during some of our down time
The colors were soooo pretty we had to get pics of mommy and daddy with Jon

Thats a over view of Houghton

He gets into everything

I had taken the child lock off the door to get some stuff out and I turned around and there he is half way in

Every chance he gets he is trying to look out the window in the front room and some times I would even be able to find him if it weren't for his little hand sticking out